Who Am I?

Read all about my journey culminating to this blog

All About Me

.Hi, I am Reuben, an engineer with over 20 years of experience in sales and people management. I grew up in a small town with a younger brother, my parents, and a typical middle-class family.

My childhood and teens were the times of rotary telephones, the coming of age of color television, and Rambo and Died Hard movies.

So what’s with this blog? How did it come about?

Here is some context. It’s my fascination with Technology, Business, and the advent of the Internet.

It is impressive how fast humankind has progressed since the industrial age. From mechanical machines to the electronic age to the internet and the latest advent of A.I. ChatGpt.

History has shown us Technology is constantly evolving.

Who would have thought three decades ago that one could incorporate remote working, use SAAS to connect with clients, and execute work via the internet from hundreds or thousands of kilometers away with or even have artificial intelligence (AI) do your work for you?

So why did I start this blog after nearly two decades of working? There are three things.

FIRST. I want to share my knowledge and career experience with others looking to improve their career prospects, such as resume writing, LinkedIn optimization, and how to use technology to boost your career.

It’s basic stuff but essential stuff that most ignore.

Having done numerous resumes and revamped LinkedIn profiles for friends, my colleagues, and myself, I have seen the impact of what a good resume and cover letter or optimized LinkedIn profile can have on recruiters and the visibility it gives you.

I even started my own Fiverr gig for resume writing and LinkedIn optimization to test the waters and skillsets.

A few of them landed new jobs with my resume & LinkedIn tweaks. It was thrilling to have friends tell me so and thank me. That got me thinking: why not get a certification in resume writing?

In Nov 2023, I became a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches.

This brings me to my SECOND point.

It’s a dream of mine always to do something with my skills via the Internet. After much thought, why not try blogging and maybe run it as a business venture?

I want this blog to become a quality reference source about Careers, Productivity, and how Technology and AI can complement it.
Which brings me to my THIRD goal here. Financial freedom.

I asked myself, I have been working for someone all my life.

Why not be my boss? Why not have your own viable business using your gained skillsets?. Why not channel my efforts and have a blog generate secondary income by writing about something I’m passionate about?

This is my journey towards these goals.

Whether you are a recent graduate, a mid-career professional, or a seasoned executive. I aim to publish content that helps readers land their dream job, get a raise, or advance their careers.

Its gonna be a journey with lots of ups and downs and im in it for the long ride.

Let’s Do It Together

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