75 resume tips that will get you noticed by recruiters in 2024

2 ladies discussing resume tips at a table.

In the ever-evolving job market, standing out is critical, and your resume is your first impression. How can you ensure it grabs a recruiter’s attention?.

Here are 75 resume tips for 2023 that will make your application shine brighter than the rest. Keep your resume from getting lost in the stack!

1. Keep it concise:

Recruiters often review hundreds of resumes for a single position, so be mindful of their time. Your resume should be a clear and concise showcase of your skills and experiences, ideally fitting on one page or, if with extensive experience, keep it to two pages

2. Use a professional email address:

Your email address should be simple and professional. Avoid using outdated or unprofessional usernames.

3. Include your contact information.

Make it easy for recruiters to contact you by including your full name, phone number, and email address. You can also include links to your professional social media profiles, such as LinkedIn or GitHub.

4. Tailor your resume to the job description:

While using the same resume for every job application may be tempting, tailoring your resume to the specific job description is essential. Highlight relevant skills and experiences that align with the requirements of the position.

5. Highlight relevant work experience:

Your work experience should be your resume’s main focus, so highlight relevant positions and accomplishments. Use bullet points to describe your responsibilities and achievements in each role concisely.

6. Use active verbs:

Start each bullet point with an action verb to make your experience sound more dynamic and engaging. Verbs like “led,” “managed,” or “implemented” can showcase your leadership and problem-solving skills.

7. Include quantifiable achievements:

Instead of using vague statements, try to include quantifiable achievements in your resume. For example, instead of saying “improved sales,” you can say “increased sales by 20% in 6 months.” This helps recruiters get a better understanding of your impact in previous roles.

8. Use professional language:

Avoid jargon. It’s essential to use professional language in your resume and avoid using jargon or slang. Stick to industry-specific terminology that will be easily understood by recruiters and hiring managers.

9. Highlight relevant soft and hard skills:

In addition to work experience, it’s important to highlight relevant soft and hard skills in your resume. Employers highly value soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and time management, which can set you apart from other candidates. Hard skills such as proficiency in specific software or technical knowledge can also be crucial for certain positions.

10. Include certifications, if any:

If you have any relevant certifications, include them in your resume. This can show that you are committed to continuous learning and development in your field. However, be selective about which certifications to include – only those relevant and add value to your application.

11. Proofread for grammatical errors:

It’s essential to proofread your resume carefully for grammatical errors or typos. These mistakes can negatively impact recruiters and hiring managers, so presenting a polished, error-free document is crucial.

12. Use bullet points for clarity:

Bullet points help break up long paragraphs and make your resume easier to read. Use them to highlight each section’s key achievements, responsibilities, or skills. This will make it easier for recruiters and hiring managers to skim your resume and quickly understand your qualifications.

13. Include a professional summary:

A professional summary is a brief statement at the top of your resume summarizing your skills, experience, and career goals. This can help recruiters and hiring managers quickly understand what you have to offer and why you are a good fit for the position. Make sure to tailor your professional summary to each job application.

14. Prioritize information strategically:

When organizing your resume, prioritize the most critical information towards the top. This includes your professional experience, education, and relevant skills for the position you are applying for. Use a bold or larger font to draw attention to headers and critical accomplishments.

15. Avoid irrelevant information:

While it may be tempting to include every job experience or achievement on your resume, having relevant information that adds value to your application is essential. This will help keep the resume concise and targeted toward the job you are applying for.

16. Use a simple font:

While you may want to stand out with a unique font, it’s best to stick with a simple and easy-to-read font for your resume. This will ensure that your document is easily legible and professional-looking. Some recommended fonts include Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial.

17. Follow a consistent format:

A consistent format throughout your resume will help make it organized and easily readable. This includes using the same font, spacing, and bullet points for each section. It’s also essential to keep the information order consistent, such as listing your professional experience in reverse chronological order.

18. Use a professional title:

Instead of simply listing your current job title, consider using a descriptive title highlighting your expertise and value. For example, instead of “Marketing Manager,” you could use “Digital Marketing Strategist with 5+ years of experience.” This will give employers a better understanding of your skills and qualifications immediately.

19. Include your LinkedIn profile, if available:

Many employers will also check your online presence in today’s digital age. Including a link to your LinkedIn profile can provide more information and showcase your professional network. Ensure your profile is up-to-date and reflects the same information as your resume.

20. Keep the layout clean and uncluttered:

A cluttered resume can be overwhelming and challenging to read. Make sure to leave enough white space and use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break up the text and make it easier to scan. Use bold or italic fonts sparingly to draw attention to crucial information.

21. Use keywords from the job description:

Many employers use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to scan resumes for keywords that match the job description. Include relevant keywords throughout your resume, especially in the skills and experience sections.

22. Avoid using dense blocks of text:

Instead, use shorter sentences and bullet points to make your resume more visually appealing and easier to read. This will also help you emphasize important information and make it stand out.

23. Include relevant coursework, if applicable:

If you are a recent graduate or have limited work experience, including relevant coursework can demonstrate your knowledge and skills in a particular field. This can be especially helpful if the job requires specific technical skills or knowledge. However, ensure only to include courses directly related to the job you are applying for and leave out any general education courses.

24. Highlight promotions and career progression:

If you have been in the workforce for a while, it is essential to highlight any promotions or advancements you have achieved. This shows employers you can take on new challenges and grow within a company. Use bullet points or bold text to draw attention to these accomplishments.

25. Include relevant awards and achievements:

Employers are interested in candidates who have succeeded and been recognized for their accomplishments. Include any relevant awards or achievements in your resume, such as academic honors, professional certifications, or recognition from previous employers. This will help you stand out and showcase your strengths and capabilities.

26. Use industry-specific terms:

Using industry-specific terms and keywords in your resume may be beneficial depending on the job you are applying for. This will demonstrate that you understand the field well and can speak its language. However, do not overdo it – make sure your resume is still easy to understand for those outside the industry.

27. Include volunteer work, if relevant:

Volunteering experience can also be valuable to include on your resume, especially if it relates to the job you are applying for. This shows that you are a well-rounded individual who is dedicated to making a positive impact in your community.

28. Use positive language:

When writing your resume, use positive language and avoid damaging or self-deprecating statements. Emphasize your strengths and achievements rather than focusing on weaknesses or failures. This will help create a good impression and showcase your confidence.

29. Highlight your management experience, if any:

If you have any experience managing teams or projects, highlight it in your resume. This demonstrates that you have leadership skills and can handle responsibility effectively. It is also valuable for positions requiring project management or team leadership.

30. Include a list of references, if requested:

If the job posting specifically asks for references, include a list of professional contacts who can speak to your skills and work ethic. Make sure to obtain their permission before listing them as a reference. You can also offer to provide references upon request if it is not mentioned in the job posting.

31. Include a cover letter:

A well-written cover letter can make a strong impression on potential employers and provide additional information about your qualifications and interest in the position. Make sure to tailor your cover letter to the specific job you are applying for and use it to showcase your personality and passion for the field. While not all job postings require a cover letter, it is always a good idea to include one if possible.

32. Specify your employment status:

If you are employed, state your current employment status in your resume. This can help potential employers understand your availability and whether or not you may need to give notice before starting a new job. If you are unemployed, it is also important to mention this as it may raise questions if left unaddressed.

33. Make it ATS (Applicant Tracking System) friendly:

Many employers use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to sort through the many resumes they receive. To ensure your resume is not filtered out, use keywords and phrases from the job posting in your resume. Also, avoid using images or graphics, as these may not be compatible with the ATS.

34. Update your resume regularly:

Keeping your resume up-to-date with your latest work experience, skills, and achievements is vital. This will save you time when applying for jobs and show that you are actively pursuing opportunities and continuously developing your skills.

35. Include a career objective:

A career objective is a brief statement that summarizes your professional goals and intentions. It can be a great way to catch the attention of potential employers and give them an idea of what you hope to achieve in your career. However, tailor your objective to the job you are applying for and avoid generic statements.

36. Use a reverse chronological format:

A reverse chronological format is the most commonly used format for resumes. This means that your most recent work experience should be listed first, followed by previous experiences in reverse chronological order. This helps employers see your career progression and current skill level.

37. Include your language skills:

Knowing multiple languages in today’s globalized world can be valuable in the job market. If you are fluent or proficient in any other language besides your native language, include it on your resume. This can open up opportunities for international roles or positions that require communication with clients or colleagues from different countries.

38. Highlight problem-solving skills:

Problem-solving is a highly sought-after skill in almost every industry. Include specific examples of when you used problem-solving skills to overcome challenges or improve processes in your previous roles. This will demonstrate your ability to think critically and find solutions, making you a valuable addition to any team.

39. Include your technical skills:

In today’s digital age, showcasing your technical skills on your resume is crucial. This can include proficiency in specific software or programs, coding languages, or any other relevant technical skills required for the job you are applying for. Even if the role does not explicitly require specialized skills, showcasing them can demonstrate your adaptability and willingness to learn new things.

40. Highlight teamwork experience:

Working well in a team is essential for most jobs, so highlight any experience you have in this area. This can include specific examples of projects or tasks where you collaborated with others and achieved successful outcomes. Employers often seek candidates who can work well with others and contribute positively to a team dynamic.

41. Use a personal branding statement:

A personal branding statement summarizes your skills, strengths, and goals. This can be placed at the top of your resume to give employers a quick overview of who you are and what you can bring. It should be tailored to the specific job or industry you are applying for and highlight critical qualities that make you stand out as a candidate.

42. Keep it to a maximum of two pages:

When it comes to resumes, less is often more. Employers are busy and may need more time to read through lengthy resumes, so keep yours concise and focused. Aim for two pages, highlighting only the most relevant and vital information. This will help ensure that your resume is easily readable and that your essential qualifications stand out.

43. Include a hobbies section, if it’s relevant:

Some job applicants may not see the value in including a hobbies section on their resume, but it can provide insight into your personality and interests. If your hobbies or extracurricular activities align with the job you are applying for, include them. For example, if you’re using it for a marketing position and have experience managing social media accounts for a non-profit organization, this could showcase your skills and passion for the industry.

44. Use a professional photo, if appropriate:

Many job applications may require a professional photo as part of the application process. If so, choose a high-quality and appropriate photo for your resume. This can help employers put a face to your name and make an excellent first impression. However, if a photo is not required or appropriate for the job you are applying for, it’s best to leave it off.

45. Include your nationality:

If relevant. Some job applications may require applicants to disclose their nationality for legal or visa purposes. If this is the case, include it on your resume. However, if revealing your nationality is optional for the application process, it’s up to your personal preference whether you want to include it on your resume or not.

46. Mention your ability to work remotely:

In today’s job market, many companies are offering remote work options. If you have experience working remotely or the skills and discipline to do so effectively, mention it on your resume. This can showcase your flexibility and ability to adapt to different work environments, which can appeal to employers.

47. Highlight your flexibility and adaptability:

In addition to being able to work remotely, it’s vital to showcase your flexibility and adaptability in general. This can include your ability to handle changing tasks or priorities, work under pressure, and address unexpected challenges. Employers highly value these skills as they show that you can quickly adjust and thrive in different situations.

48. Use a modern design:

When creating your resume, choosing a clean, modern design that is easy to read and visually appealing is essential. This can help you stand out from other applicants and make a good impression on potential employers. However, be cautious about using too many colors or graphics, as this can distract from the content of your resume.

49. Include publications, if any:

If you have any published works or have contributed to publications in your field, include them on your resume. This can demonstrate your expertise and knowledge in your industry and showcase your writing skills and attention to detail. It also sets you apart from other applicants who have not published works.

50. Highlight your creativity, if relevant:

If you’re applying for a job in a creative field, such as graphic design or marketing, it’s essential to showcase your creativity on your resume. This can include highlighting any relevant projects or initiatives you’ve worked on and including samples of your work if possible. This can help employers see your unique perspective and approach to problem-solving, which is highly valued in creative industries.

51. Mention any relevant affiliations:

If you are a member of any professional organizations or associations related to your field, mention them on your resume. This shows that you are committed to staying up-to-date with industry developments and networking with other professionals in your field. It also demonstrates your passion and dedication to your chosen career path.

52. Highlight your negotiation skills:

In addition to showcasing your technical skills and expertise, it’s important to mention any soft skills relevant to the job you’re applying for. Negotiation skills can be precious, especially if the role involves working with clients or partners. Mention specific instances where you negotiated successfully, such as closing a deal or resolving a conflict, to demonstrate your ability.

53. Use a professional profile:

Consider including a professional profile at the top of your resume, a summary of your skills and experience. This can give employers a quick overview of what you bring and help them understand why you’re a strong fit for the role. Tailor your profile to each job you apply for, highlighting the most relevant skills and experiences.

54. Use an easy-to-read font size:

When choosing a font for your resume, it’s vital to consider readability. Stick to a standard font such as Times New Roman or Arial and use a font size between 10-12 points. This will ensure that your resume is easy to read and looks professional.

55. Highlight decision-making skills:

Decision-making is a critical skill in many industries and can significantly impact the success of a company or team. Make sure to mention any instances where you had to make crucial decisions, such as leading a project or solving a problem, on your resume. This will demonstrate your ability to think critically and make sound judgments.

56. Show how you can benefit the company:

When writing your resume, it’s important to highlight what you have to offer and how you can benefit the company. Consider how your skills and experiences align with the company’s goals and values. This will show employers that you are not just looking for a job but are genuinely interested in contributing to the success of their organization.

57. Avoid personal pronouns:

Your resume should be written professionally, avoiding personal pronouns such as “I” or “me.” Instead, use concise, action-oriented language to showcase your skills and experiences. This will make your resume more powerful and help you stand out to potential employers.

58. Include your highest level of education:

.Including your highest level of education is an essential aspect of your resume. It shows your academic achievements and gives employers an idea of your educational background and potential areas of expertise. Ensure to include the institution’s name, the degree obtained, and relevant coursework or honors. If you are a recent graduate, you can also mention any relevant research projects or internships that demonstrate your skills in a practical setting.

59. Include a skills summary:

A skills summary is a brief section at the top of your resume highlighting your critical skills and strengths. This is a great way to immediately grab the attention of employers and show them why you are a strong candidate for the position. Tailor this section to match the job requirements, highlighting skills most relevant to the role. You can also include any certifications or specialized training that may benefit the position. Use bullet points to make this section easy to read and visually appealing.

60. Keep the resume focused:

It’s essential to keep the resume focused and concise. This means only including relevant information to the job you are applying for. Avoid adding unnecessary details or experiences that do not relate to the position. This will help make the resume more organized and accessible for employers to read and understand. Remember, quality over quantity is critical when it comes to resume writing.

61. Avoid using cliche terms:

When writing a resume, avoiding using cliche terms that may make your application seem generic and unoriginal is important. Instead, use specific and descriptive language to showcase your skills and experiences. For example, instead of saying “excellent communication skills,” provide an example or specific situation where you used those skills effectively. This will help differentiate your resume from others and leave a lasting impression on employers.

62. Use a PDF format, if possible:

When submitting your resume electronically, it’s best to use a PDF format. This will ensure the formatting remains intact and your resume looks professional and polished. Avoid using fonts or colors that are difficult to read or may not appear correctly on different devices. A clean, simple layout is always the best choice for a professional resume.

63. Show that you are results-oriented:

Employers are looking for candidates who have a track record of getting results. When writing about your experiences and accomplishments on your resume, highlight the outcomes and impact of your work. Use numbers or statistics when possible to quantify your achievements. This will show potential employers you are a proactive and effective team member.

64. Include a professional statement:

A professional statement, a career objective, or a summary is a brief introduction highlighting your skills and goals. It should be tailored to the job you are applying for and give employers an idea of what you can bring to their company. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your unique qualities and make a solid first impression on potential employers.

65. Include your digital portfolio, if applicable:

In today’s digital age, online presence can set you apart from other job candidates. Include the link on your resume if you have a digital portfolio or website showcasing your work and skills. This will demonstrate your abilities and show that you are tech-savvy and up-to-date with current trends in your industry.

66. Include a skills chart:

A skills chart visually represents your skills and proficiency levels in various areas. It can be a quick and easy way for employers to assess your qualifications at a glance. Use simple icons or color-coding to indicate your level of expertise in different skills, such as software proficiency, language fluency, or project management abilities.

67. Highlight your organizational skills:

Employers highly value candidates who can effectively manage their time and tasks. Use your resume to showcase your strong organizational skills in previous roles, such as successfully coordinating multiple projects or creating efficient systems for completing tasks. This will show that you are reliable and capable of handling responsibilities effectively.

68. Use color sparingly:

If at all. While a pop of color can make the resume stand out, using it sparingly and strategically is essential. Stick to a clean and professional color palette and only use it to highlight critical information, such as section headers or your name. Avoid using bright or distracting colors that may take away from the content of your resume.

69. Include your availability:

If you are currently employed or have certain restrictions on your availability, mentioning this in your resume is essential. This will help employers understand your current commitments and avoid potential conflicts with their hiring process. Be sure to clearly state your preferred start date and any specific schedule requirements, if applicable.

70. Make your resume targeted:

Rather than creating a one-size-fits-all resume, take the time to tailor your resume for each specific job you are applying for. This means highlighting relevant skills and experience that align with the job description and company culture. Doing so will demonstrate your genuine interest in the role and increase your chances of standing out as a top candidate.

71. Keep your resume current:

It’s important to regularly update your resume with any new skills, experience, or accomplishments. This will ensure that your resume is accurate and up-to-date and shows potential employers that you are constantly improving your career. Be sure to update your resume before you’re actively job searching – make it a habit to review and make updates every few months.

72. Tailor your job descriptions:

Instead of simply listing your job duties, use this opportunity to showcase your achievements and impact in each role. Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible, using numbers or percentages to illustrate your success. This will help paint a clearer picture of your abilities and show employers what you can bring to their organization.

73. Use clear headings:

Organize your resume with clear headings and subheadings to make it easy for employers to scan and find the necessary information. This also helps break up large chunks of text and makes the resume more visually appealing. Use bold or italic formatting to highlight important keywords or job titles that align with the role you are applying for.

74. Make your name stand out:

While it may seem like a small detail, making your name stand out on your resume can significantly impact you; consider using a larger font or bold formatting to draw attention to your name at the top of the page. You can also include your professional title or certifications next to your name for added credibility.

75. Always follow up on your application:

After submitting your resume, you must follow up with the hiring manager if you have not heard back after a week or two. This shows that you are genuinely interested in the position and can help keep you top-of-mind for potential employers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are some resume writing tips for 2024?

A: Some resume writing tips for 2024 include customizing your resume for each job application, using a modern resume template, and highlighting your most relevant skills and experiences.

Q: How can I make my resume stand out to recruiters in 2024?

A: To make your resume stand out to recruiters in 2024, focus on using strong action verbs, quantifying your achievements, and showcasing your unique value proposition as a job seeker.

Q: Should I use a two-page resume or a one-page format in 2024?

A: In 2024, a two-page resume is acceptable for professionals with extensive experience, while entry-level candidates or those with limited experience are generally better off with a one-page format.

Q: What are the essential elements to include in a resume for 2024?

A: The essential elements to include in a resume for 2024 are a professional summary or objective, relevant work experience, education, skills, and any additional certifications or achievements pertinent to the job you are applying for.

Q: How important are resume keywords for job applications in 2024?

A: Resume keywords are crucial for job applications in 2024, as many companies utilize applicant tracking systems (ATS) to scan and filter resumes. Including relevant keywords can help your resume get noticed by these systems and recruiters.

Q: What is a bonus resume tip for getting noticed by hiring managers in 2024?

A: A bonus resume tip for getting noticed by hiring managers in 2024 is to quantify your achievements and provide specific examples of how you added value in previous roles, which can significantly impact your resume.

Q: How can I ensure my resume is easy to read for recruiters in 2024?

A: To ensure your resume is easy to read for recruiters in 2024, use a clean and modern resume layout, organize your information into clear sections, and pay attention to font choices and formatting to enhance readability.

Q: What are some best practices for resume format in 2024?

A: Best practices for resume format in 2024 include using a clear and modern design, incorporating a balance of white space, and utilizing a professional font to enhance the overall visual appeal of your resume.

Q: Should I include a resume summary or objective in my resume for 2024?

A: Yes, including a resume summary or objective in your resume for 2024 is recommended, as it provides a brief overview of your professional background, fundamental skills, and career goals, helping recruiters understand your profile quickly.

Q: What are some critical resume writing service options in 2024?

A: Some critical resume writing service options in 2024 include professional resume writers who specialize in crafting personalized resumes, optimizing keyword usage, and creating compelling professional summaries and profiles.

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